About Me

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OK so Michael is on the right and Jake is on the left. Look at our BLOGS!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Havent been posting lately, mostly because this is going no where. but weve had the blog for almost a year so that will be an accomplishment

Friday, August 5, 2011

Virginia Tech

I was at Tech when the lockdown started, an i had to wait for 5 hours to eat lunch, i think the "gun" was one of the MILLIONS of nerf guns we had or a drill from the construction site

Friday, July 22, 2011

Forgotten memories

less memories and more like random pictures I've saved that i have forgotten to share, ill share them in a post later on because i like them a lot like this one

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Rewatching all of the Red vs Blue episodes, excited for season 9

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Just got a tooth pulled and my face hurts they couldn't get it out for awhile and they had to use a lot of anesthesia, so now ill probably get braces within the next half year.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


that lady isnnt guilty i guess, i was traveling the whole time i dont really care but dont kill your children, its frowned upon in most states.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Game plan

Ok I've been on the road since about 3 pm yesterday, going up to NY for like 2 or 3 days then going down to Delmarva peninsula and camping for awhile. I'm actually still on the road, im on my laptop right now, obviously. just got into the hook of WV ill keep u updated if anything happens.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

going to New York tomarrow for 2 weeks ill try to get some videos of my trip, dont know if ill be able to post them for awhile though, also me and michael might start vlogging too.

Friday, May 27, 2011


If you look closely you can see your mom a couple times

Self Reflections

I just want you to take a look at this and just reflect on how it makes you feel..

Your Dad

Please get your dad out of my yard... please, he ate my dog. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Top 5 Ways the World Might END

5. Robots

With all the new technology coming out lately they are bound to make robots that think on they're own, and who's the biggest threat to technology? Us
4. Nuclear Warfare
Nuclear bombs are more likely then not going to end up getting used on some country and  the country that got bombed shoots one back and everyone dies, the end.

3. Aliens

Everyone who watches tv or goes to movies has probably seen a movie about alien invasion,  and were probably not the only planet with organisms on it, and they'll probably find us before we find them, but it could be peaceful unlike in movies where they're just pissed off and kill everyone like the movie Paul. They'll still probably kill us. Who knows maybe we'll fight back.
2. Zombies 
One of the more popular apocalypse scenarios lately. I guess the idea of scrambling for food and fighting off endless hordes of undead demons that want to eat you and cannot die is appealing to some people. Maybe just like the aliens they could be nice or even just be regular people that slowly rot away, and then eat us. 
1. Chuck Norris

Because Chuck Norris is his own country and if he were to go to war with anyone we would all die, except Chuck Norris, he cant die. (Ever)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

how many drugs was mary poppins on??  n one just jumps into a sidewalk... there was some stuff goin down there. also todays the end of the world. that is all

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So i have been sadly informed by mikey that we all are Adopted... let us mourn

My Dreams

they is waitin for me...
some day between the time i have kids and before they have kids i want to say ive killed a bear... im going to go into the forest with knifes galore and the first bear i see is gona prolly eat me, haha same thing with sharks, but you know in the ocean

Monday, May 2, 2011

bak, havent posted in awhile, looks like mikeys catchin up to me in posts, also bin laden is dead, that is all

Friday, April 15, 2011

wen ever i have a girlfriend we break up and they go out with one of my good friends, im tired of relationships man

Monday, April 4, 2011

new girlfriend

The girl who i didn't know her name is now my new girlfriend for a week now, thats wat happened during my springbreak last weak. hows everything going with our nonexistent readers? :D

Friday, March 25, 2011

New start

well it was hard leaving my old school but there are alot of ok things here, i found this girl who is just... idk she's really nice to look at i guess, idk any good words, and i think she likes me! i just found out her name today when i was getting off the bus and she said bye to me (even though ive barely ever talked to her before) and i asked her wat her name was. :D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last day at my school

Ok so today was my last day of school because im moving and just so much has happened so im just going to list stuff (and I can't do this im tired i don't have anything to look forward to in life for awhile so i guess ill keep u guys posted)
1. my ex is dating my best friend, who said that he didn't want to date her when we broke up and he
2. fucking lied to my face.
3. last day of school
4. didn't get to say goodbye to my friends
5. couldn't stop crying at the beging of the day
                                                                                                                    Sadly, Jake :/

Friday, February 25, 2011


so im moving soon and loosing almost all of my friends, and i just want to say that im going to write some stuff on here about how i have to tie up some loose ends before i leave at the end of the school year so i might be posting stuff like that, but not this weekend, cause im going skiing with my church group, which is weird because i question many aspects of the christianity religion, like the part about going to hell if ur not christian, which means Gandhi went to hell, which is pretty bull shitty. I'll try to get some pictures for the blog while im snowing, or atleast a story or 5. so ill keep u updated

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


so i was gona to break up with my gf today but before i could she broke up with me, but its cool cause now im single ;D. Also when i was walking home a bald eagle flew by!!!!! and i was all like BALD EAGLE and devante was all like wat and i was all like BALD EAGLE!!! and he was like where and i was like in the skay and he was like where in the sky and i was like FLYING!!! and then it don gone and did flown away!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

who did you want to win the SB?

i personally wanted the packers to win because i said so, i honestly never really watch sports so i just pick which ever one has the coolest looking clothes or who's winning at first. but yeah its cool, who did you want to win the Super Bowl 45????

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bo Burnham

nothins realy new whit me just been havin alot of homework, also ive been listenin to Bo Burnham, hes chill, like that 6th grader that looks like Snoop Dogg, and George Washington, hes chill as fuck!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


 so guys and gals who might want to be a guy, i had detention from 3:20 til 4:00 today for playing patty cake in classa fter the bell. but our teacher was cool about it and let us just talk and play cards cause she wast that mad about the patty cake thing but i need u to settle a score for me, is counting cards illegal? ill make it the pll so go answer that, thanks guys.

                                                                                 sinisterly, jake

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

im writing an essay because i was sick during one of the concerts, this is what i have as of now  
"The viola is similar to the violin in shape and construction. The viola has no definate full size, but an average viola is about 16 inches. A child viola is about 12 inches, but a vola could be 20+ inches. Differences between the two are the size and sound of the viola, also the fingering is more like the Cello's. Unlike the violin, the viola has the strings A, D, G and C. A being the highest string and C being the lowest. But unlike either the Celo or the Violin the Viola has an Alto clef, or a C clef because of the clef symbol is located on the 'c' line of the staff. Violas were made in as early as the 1500's. Both Bach and Mozart were accomplished violists in the 1700's. Jimmi Hendrix also started his musical carreer with the viola at a young age. Many people think that the viola isn't as good as the violin, but some violists and historians think that the viola might have actually appeared before the violin. "

Monday, January 17, 2011

report im doing

what i has so far: " Music is improtant in the Middle East and Western Europe. Middle Eastern music is heavily influenced by music from Greece and India. Middle Eastern music is also influenced by Central Asia, Spain, Southern 

Italy, the Cacascaus and the Balkins, as in Chalga music. In Arabic music a scale consists of 17, 19 or 24 notes in a single octave. There are 32 different beat styles in this music. Most popular of all stringed

instruments is the oud. An oud traditionally had four strings, but current instruments have up to six courses with of one or two strings each. The oud was supposedly invented by Lamech, the 

sixth grandson of Adam. It also says that the first oud was inspired by the shape of his son's bleached skeleton. the oldest pictorial record of the oud is over 5000 years ago. "


apple = health
health = strength
strength = looks
looks = girls
girls = sex
sex = aids
aids = death
Who wants an apple?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2nd Winter Break

so weve been snowed in almost all week, i think it'll be hilarious if it just keeps snowing and we have ANOTHER winter break :D screw summer haha who needs it anyway, oh wait do! This so isnt chill, nor is it hella f*ckin' balls-to-the-walls-awesome, me and mikey been looking at the MyLifeIsBro.com so check it out, its pretty famous but its funny as balls, and it deserves a GEEZUS!!!!! haha if you know what thats from comment and then you'll be a bro.
                                                                                    sinisterly, Jake

Friday, January 7, 2011

That "friend" that i mentioned in an earlier post is in all of my classes except one of my elective classes, so in language arts my teacher sat us at the same table so he looked at me and i just did the most cocky smile i could back to him. So then my friend who stared me and my old friend's beef said "hey Jake maybe you should sit in this seat!" motioning to the seat next to the guy who hates me >:) so i hope that he says something, I'm ready. if anything happens ill probably post it. no cut that i will post it, when something happens. Until something else happens,
                                                                                                                                sinisterly yours,  Jake

words with new meanings

ok so on the way home me ad my friends and we were talking and my friend was saying something and my other friend that was racist, i said no its "selective knowledge" and also that the word "gay" with kids now means bad, like this food is gay, so when people say t like that it doesnt mean the food is homosexual, because you know most homosexual food fled the country because of racist KFC chicken wings

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

pop stars

ok so i usually don't pay attention to popstarts, but i can't stand this, does anyone else think that they shouldny let chris brown back to music (or what the say is music) i mean seriously people he beat a woman, you should loose your man hood for that, and to make it worse when he comes back he makes stupid songs! please if you agree comment, please!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A fun day

A friend i mean dick who used to be my friend is still friends with my friend so when my friend came over to my house we called his friend and my friend told him that we had a fight and then at the end of the call iIsaid bye and then his friend called him back and we kept hanging up then I answered the phone and he said "who is this", i said "who are you" "you can kiss my black ass"    

RED=the guy who isnt my friend 
GREEN=me and my friend